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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"The Book of Sticks"

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I, Henry, recently split up a lecture with the title “O’ Say What is Gross” on my myspace bandsite; it is a seven part lecture highly regarded by the High Priestess of the Sacred Intelligence. I, Henry, also recently decided to disengage myself from myspace because I solemnly disagree with the developer’s idiotic religious beliefs. I am currently researching the StIckpeople and “The Hexastix.” “The Hexastix” is a series of messages expressed in the six books of “The Book of Sticks.” This book can only be translated by the Stickpeople and their believers. I believe in the Stickpeople simPLy because I had the privilege of carrying on a six hour discussion with one of their kind in the year 1990 and another that lasted about 4.5 hours in the year 2001. I have chosen to research and illustrate the ancient “The Book of Sticks” for reasons quite personal, buT also with the intent to clarify some misconceptions associated with these individuals, their beliefs, and their belieVers. The results of my studies will be interpreted for the  plebeian and made available as an auDIo lecture and/or an eSSay on this site. I cannot stress how difficult it is to translate “The Book of Sticks”; however, it is no burden and my studies relieve me of my ego and are undertaken with the deepest scrutiny. I have to swallow my medication now. Goodbye.
-Henry O’Malley

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